Personal Finance App Mac Uk

2020. 12. 4. 10:24카테고리 없음

Budgeting is a discipline that’s not often met with excitement. Many assume that budgeting is something reserved for companies or, say, freelance workers. However, personal budget software is just as important as corporate one — it’s a fundamental understanding of where money is coming and going.

Moneydance is easy to use personal finance software that is loaded with all the features you need: online banking and bill payment, account management, budgeting and investment tracking. Moneydance handles multiple currencies and virtually any financial task with ease.


You may consider it to be boring, tiring, time-consuming, or difficult, but managing your finances well can help you achieve goals and stave off the stress of a rainy day. Thankfully, there are tools and apps on Mac which can help you get on top of budgeting, no matter how experienced you are.

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Why Should I Use Budget Tracking Software?

If you haven’t done a budget before, you should start now. You never know when you might need a particular sum of money to solve an issue, meet a goal, or take advantage of a sudden opportunity.

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Budget programs help you reduce the stress and uncertainty that comes with not knowing where you stand financially. If you don’t have a home budget software, you might be tracking towards a situation where you run out of money, without even knowing it. If you do have a budget, then you’ll have a documented plan of action to improve your situation.

Importantly, you don’t need any qualifications to do a budget, nor do you need to be good with numbers. Take advantage of the best budget software for Mac to help you take control of your finances without the hassle. Budgeting tools come in many shapes and sizes, so selecting the right one for you depends on personal preference and previous experience with managing money.

Handy tips for budgeting tools

If you’re ready to start your budget, it’s best to consider a strategic approach to ensure maximum utility. Too often, budgets sit collecting dust after being created, and sometimes the act of creating a budget could feel like enough to satisfy financial concerns — it’s not. Here are some tips for making the most out of your budget.

First of all, definitely use an app to help you manage a budget. App developers invest a lot of time and money into figuring out how their software can make your life easier and better, so rather than trying to understand all the nuances for yourself, let a dedicated app do it for you. There’s even some free budget software around, so you have very few excuses not to try!

If you run a business (or freelance on a side), a little bit of work each week means end of year taxes are a breeze. It’s not about doing a marathon of work in a few days, but making a habit to consistently do a little bit here and there. Try aiming for 10 minutes every few days. The best tax preparation software will also have reminders and notifications to help you achieve this goal.

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It might sound contradictory, but budgeting isn’t always about getting the numbers 100% accurate. When it comes to tax preparation software — sure. But budgeting is mostly about understanding where your money is being spent and then using that information to make more informed decisions going forward. Therefore, make sure you categorize your transactions so that it’s easier to spot those minutiae differences and trends. Download facebook browser faster for android. The best finance apps should do this for you automatically.

In summary, you want to ensure you take advantage of the online budgeting tools available to you, aim to update your records frequently, and focus on categorization over accuracy.

Features of good personal budget software

The best personal budget software for Mac is easier to pin down when you know exactly what you’re looking for. Not all apps are the same — they vary by function and pricing. Generally speaking, there are a few key features you want to see in your budget software for Mac:

  • It should be simple and easy to add new records or transactions

  • Importing bank and credit card statements should be possible

  • Automatically synchronizing statements will take the edge off your manual inputting

  • Useful dashboards or visuals will help you understand your situation at a glance

  • You should be able to categorize your transactions into groups

Out of those five key points, the ability to import is often the most essential. Mac os x taskbar for windows 10. Importing saves you the hassle of adding each transaction into the money management software line-by-line, which adds up to a lot of time. It’s hard enough already to schedule frequent updates to your budget, so if you can remove the largest friction point of manual entry, then you’re in a good place.

The best budget software for Mac comparison

When it comes to programs to help budget money, there are countless options. It’s easy to get lost diving deep into each budget software review, but here are some of the best available, ranging from beautifully basic to powerfully advanced. Now all one can complete their wishes using our best Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Activation Code Generator.This keygen can create steam cd keys which will be unique and working 100% for your all systems such as PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. About COD 4 Modern Warfare Serial Key Generator:Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare is a top selling game even most expensive. But majority of people wants enjoy of this game without spending even 1 cent.

You’ve probably heard of Quicken, given that the name has been around since the early 80s. Even then, it was known as one of the best tax software companies around. That says something about the strong product, which carries all of the basic functions you’ll need to manage your budget well.

Right away though, you might notice that the interface has become somewhat dated in comparison to the newer contenders out there. But one of Quicken’s praised features is the ability to download bank statements and have the records automatically categorized, which can drastically reduce the time it takes to input your information, so you can spend more time making sense of it. Sadly, the Mac version is somewhat limited when it comes to advanced features, unless you splash out for the Home and Business edition.

MoneyDance is very similar to Quicken in terms of its basic features, including the ability to create a budget with notifications for bills and invoices. It also allows you to make your own charts and graphs to monitor spending habits over time, which can be seen on the homepage for a quick glance of your activity. Out-of-the-box integrations with online banking services also make it easy to send payments.

Unlike Quicken, Moneydance has some more advanced features including an investment monitor, which tracks your investments and their fluctuations — a useful addition, although best for the intermediate to advanced user. The app also has a developer API system in place to allow extended functions, mostly good for power users. Importantly, security is not an issue, as Moneydance utilizes end-to-end encryption for your data to give you that extra peace of mind.

You Need A Budget, also known as YNAB, is budget tracking software that runs on both Windows and Mac via web — saving automatically to the cloud, which is a bonus for multi-platform users. It also features native apps for iOS and Android, so you can literally tackle your budget from anywhere.

The app itself follows a simple design language, which is perfect for beginners, but if you find yourself needing help you can sign up for a personal instructor. YNAB doesn’t let you slack at all, and if you start to stray from your budget, the app will raise a red flag through it’s built-in Accountability Partner.

Although YNAB doesn’t support the ability to download and automatically categorize records from bank statements, it could be argued that entering them manually helps the user pay more attention to where their spending is going. Still, it’s a more time-consuming process that might be problematic for users processing hundreds or more records each month.

MoneyWiz stays true to its name — a comprehensive budget software and investment tracker that’s packed full with over 400 useful features. View your financial situation quickly by browsing accounts, groups, or searching for individual records. Speaking of records, you can enter them manually or have them automatically sync with leading banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, and financial services for an accurate real-time understanding of your accounts.

With all of this data in hand, MoneyWiz can prepare and export over 50 reports to help you gain deeper insights into your finances. Your data could be accessed from its cloud-based app or straight from the native software for Mac. All in all, MoneyWiz is extremely powerful: accessible for beginners and interesting for the most advanced users.

Receipts is yet another money management software for Mac, and is specifically well-known for its clever handling of invoicing. Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, Receipts automatically reads and translates important information about your bills, such as amount, date, currency, and more (even if the text is in another language).

Besides, Receipts can issue payments for invoices directly using third-party providers, such as iFinance and BankX. The OCR technology alone makes it a strong contender against other more simple online budgeting tools. Not least, Mac users will be glad to see how this application was designed to look and feel like a macOS product. Using a familiar user interface could make life a little easier after all.

Between the five options above, you have a strong starting point for your budgeting tools depending on your experience. Remember that importing is one of the key features to look for in budget programs. Still, in order to find the best fit you might need to try a couple of different options.

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Thankfully, both MoneyWiz and Receipts have a free 7-day trial that you can take advantage of by heading over to Setapp, an app subscription service for Mac that gives you access to over 150 macOS apps, including all the necessary budget tools. Getting MoneyWiz and Receipts at once? You won’t be disappointed.

If there’s one thing many of us have in common, it’s that we struggle to manage our money as effectively as we'd like, whether that’s because we have loads of different bank accounts and credit cards, various other loans to pay off, or a multitude of bills. Granted, money management isn't the most exciting thing and it can take up loads of precious time, but for better or worse, it’s one of those things you can’t really avoid. At the end of the day, money is an important part of our lives and staying on top of your finances is part and parcel of being an adult (or even a child).

Fortunately, the days of sitting down with a cup of coffee and with your notepad, pen and calculator are on the way out. You can make your life easier by utilising the right money management, budgeting and personal finance apps. There are loads out there, so to help you get started, we've collected our favourites and the ones we think are most useful in the UK. Netbeans 8.2 for mac.

OnTrees Personal Finance (Android and iOS, Free)

OnTrees Personal Finance is brought to you by, a consumer champion website that aims to help you make better financial decisions. The app lets you view all your bank accounts in one place and see how your money is coming in (hopefully) and going out (more likely). It splits your spending into categories such as restaurants, groceries and household bills, so it's a good starting point to get on top of your finances.

Debt Manager (iOS, 79p)

Most of us probably fall into debt at some point in our lives, whether it's a mortgage, overdraft, or a student loan, and they can easily spiral out of control if you’re not on the ball. Debt Manager helps you stay on top of things by letting you organise and track your debts. Its features include the ability to set how you want to pay your debts off, a repayment plan developer, a summary bar so you can check payment progress, and various hints and tips.

Money Dashboard (Android and iOS, Free)

Many of us have a number of different bank accounts, such as one for personal spending, another for savings, and another still dedicated to paying off bills. Even if it's just remembering all of your passwords and login details, you'll know that managing all of them effectively can be a struggle, especially when all you want is an overview of your balances. That's where Money Dashboard comes into the mix. Compatible with all UK bank and credit card companies, it allows you to view the balances of all your bank accounts instantly and aims to help you make more informed decisions by identifying your spending habits.

MoneyHub (Android and iOS, Free)

Like many other apps, MoneyHub lets you view all your account balances in one place, pulling in live transaction data from your current/savings accounts, loans, credit cards and investments. You’re able to see where your money goes to help you set financial goals, and you can track your progress towards meeting them. There are also calculators for taxes, pensions, savings, house prices and net worth, making it a useful tool for setting longer term financial goals.

UK Salary Calculator (iOS, Free)

When you look for a new job, it’s common to compare salaries. If you do this yourself, though, there’ll be a lot of maths involved. To avoid that, just download UK Salary Calculator. With it, you can calculate your take-home salary based on your annual, hourly, daily or monthly wage, and can compare salaries between old and new jobs. It takes into account NI contributions, student loan repayments and pensions, making in a quick and easy way to see how much disposable income you'll actually have come pay day.

ClearScore (Android and iOS, Free)

There are so many websites that offer up credit score reports and ratings, but many charge and others can be a bit fiddly. Fortunately, there’s an app that does most of the hard work for you. Clearscore gives you your credit score and report for free, and it doesn’t even ask for your bank details. The app also sends you notifications whenever your score changes, tracks your financial information on a monthly basis, and helps you build a long-term picture.

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StockWatch (iOS, £2.29)

Playing the stock market can be extremely exciting and potentially lucrative, and if you invest, you really ought to have StockWatch on your phone right now. It allows you to keep up-to-date with the constantly changing stock market and lets you track your portfolios and holdings. Sporting an easy-to-use interface, the app puts all your investments in front of you and sports a variety of research tools. It supports over 50 worldwide exchanges and 150 currencies, too.

Official HMRC App (Android and iOS, Free)

Available in both English and Welsh, the official HMRC app ensures you’re on track with your taxes. Free stop motion software for windows. With it, you can estimate how much Income Tax and National Insurance contributions you have to pay if you’re a UK taxpayer. What’s more, you can easily search for and access HMRC forms, worksheets and related help and guidance. It’s all about making your life as a taxpayer easier, and it’s perfect if you self-assess your taxes.

VAT Toolbox (iOS, Free)

If you're not particularly mathematically inclined, working out VAT isn’t exactly easy, but fear not: there’s an app that can help. VAT Toolbox lets you calculate your VAT and displays a simple breakdown comprising of VAT, VAT exclusive price and VAT inclusive price. There’s also a VAT ID validator so you can check if a VAT number is valid or not, protecting yourself from fraud. The app is perfect for businesses, shoppers, and travellers.

Toshi Finance (Android and iOS, Free)

Personal Finance App Mac Uk Contact

Toshi Finance is a personal finance manager that puts expense and budget tracking at the forefront of money management. You can track expenses and incomes with just a few clicks, set up recurring expenses and incomes to help you organise your bills, get bill reminders, and export your expense reports into PDF, Excel, Google Docs or CSV.

PayFriendz (Android and iOS, Free)

At some point, we’ve all lent money money to friends, or borrowed some off them. While this is all fine, the payment process isn’t always easy, especially if it's a sizeable chunk: you have to swap sort codes and account numbers, find your card reader or queue at the bank, and remember to keep hold of the receipt in case they try to pull a fast one! Who’s got time for all that? Payfriendz changes this completely. Using the app, you can pay your friends and family or request they pay you in a matter of seconds. It comes with messaging functionality, too, which makes things a lot friendlier. You can add money to your account through your debit card and it supports all UK banks.

Your Bank's Mobile App

Personal Finance Software

With money management concerned, it’s worth noting that all the major UK banks offer up apps so you can do your banking on-the-go. It's worth having your bank's app glued to your Home screen, so here are the links you need to get started:

Personal Finance Software Mac 2020

Each of the apps mentioned in this roundup have a common aim, and that’s to make managing your money a breeze. There’s no point doing it the old-fashioned way anymore, as that’s just a waste of time and energy when there are programs that will do pretty much everything for you. Whether it's a simple overview of your cash flow, detailed tracking of multiple bank accounts, streamlined payments, or ensuring you’re paying your taxes correctly, there's something for everyone. Happy downloading!

Header image: Woman using online banking on mobile phone from Shutterstock